The game of 9/11 ends, new game of 13/11 begins
By Shams
Tabrez Qasmi
deadly and ghastly attack on civilians is highly Condemnable and extremely
despicable act Paris has ever witnessed in its history, no religion allows to
spill the blood of innocent people, nor has space for those who carry such
heinous crime out, no matter whether one person was killed or one million
people were massacred, the depth and severity of the crime is equal, the
rendition of both is unforgivable, both crime will be kept on the same scale,
both crime will be scrutinized with the same parameter, the serial bomb blast
exploded on 13th of November in the capital of France which claimed the lives
of 180 people while more than three hundred people were injured, many people
lost their relatives, parents, brothers and sisters and loved one, none of us
can feel the sorrows to that degree except those upon whom such horrific
calamity has visited.
The whole world is considering this attack as a terror act, however in my sight it is just an attack and bomb blast as the definition of terrorism still ambiguous and unclear to me, I usually don't pen down the things which are not clear and transparent to me, since the blood of innocent people were being spilt in Iraq and Afghanistan, NATO forces waged ferocious war against Muaamer Gadhaffi in Libya, and Syrian people are being shelled with bomb at every nanoseconds, Minorities were butchered on wide scale in the prosperous state Gujarat, Babri Masjid was demolished to ground, apart from these there are countless horrific and heart shattering incidents which have taken place over the passage of time in India and over the globe, similarly in Paris attack innocent people were brutally killed, they were mercilessly butchered, it was also a terror attack, however the progressive and so called bugle blower of democracy turned a deaf ears to such Barbaric incidents. A person was lynched to death by a mob of 200 people who were politically instigated just on the rumor of beef eating, the whole world asked Prime minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi to condemn and denounce strongly this terror act as it was an attack on entire humanity but P.M didn't utter even single word, remained mute, today similar attack has been carried out by monsters in Paris, the P.M of India not only condemned this terror attack but also showed high level interest and possible cooperation in order to stand United with France to uproot terrorism.
No sooner the attack happened, the media persons started blaming ISIL for the brutality, on other hand such news being broadcasted and circulated which in no time went viral on social media that ISIL has taken responsibility for serial bomb blast, meanwhile an eye witness made an statement that the attackers were chanting the slogan of Allah Akbar, international media started raising plethora of questions on Islam and its followers, does Islam advocate terrorism? Do Muslims support it? Are Muslims genuinely terrorists? Muslims only are found involved and held guilty in all the previous terror attacks till the date, from 9/11 till the date all terror attack proves it and validates this point that Islam is a religion of terrorism.
The passport of attackers located in the spot belongs to Egypt and Syria which later confirmed fake, this news also gives weightage to media and journalists to some extent that here again Muslims will be held responsible for this attack, on other hand famous American channel - CNN claims that finger prints collected from various places proves that the suicide bombers are from France itself.
Paris attack gives wake-up call to the entire world, all nations stand United to show their solidarity with France expressing their deep concern over the victims who lost their lives, Facebook has also introduced French flag - profile picture- as a gesture of unity and solidarity over the Paris attack, we have no complaints against Facebook if they don't show their solidarity with Muslim victims being Killed on unprecedented scale.
If we talk about Islamic world and Muslims, so they have to make two statement in a same time, first they condemned the Paris terrorists attack, on other hand they have to make their viewpoint crystal clear that Islam has no link with terrorism, just because ISIL has taken responsibility for this attack about whom it is considered that all of them belong to Sunni sect.
ISIL came into existence on April 2013 over the map of the world, who have turned to most dangerous and hazardous terror group within short span of time, they so far have controlled major part of Iraq and Syria, and now they have been a nightmare for the superpower United States of America. On other hand it is a bitter pill to swallow for us as in the past this was the same America who had shattered the defenses of Most powerful country in the Middle East region Iraq to the pieces, turned the Afghanistan was running smoothly into graveyard, killed Muaamer Qadhafi the arch rival to US, after all why US and it's alliances have failed uprooting ISIL?, why the war being waged against IS hasn't born any fruit yet?, while 80 countries have jointed their hands in order to check the proliferation of IS, 20 countries have taken part in the ongoing war being fought against this group, but every effort went in vein, instead of losing battle at the hands of US, Russia and their alliances They are becoming more stronger, they have brought major part of oil rich area in Iraq and Syria under their control, at this juncture lot of questions arise in our mind, why and how they are becoming stronger? What is reason behind it? Where they have brought such sophisticated and heavy weapon from? Who are supplying such heavy guns equipped with new technologies to IS? How they are able to raise their funds or some political monsters are funding them? These are the questions to be answered in order to find the concrete solution to the problem which left every peace seekers worried, without answering to these questions battle can't be won against terrorism, today those who are condemning the terror and horror attack carried out by IS, calling them an organization whose ideology goes against Islam, whose viewpoint contradicts Quranic verses, I request all of them whether they are rulers, leaders, journalists, analysts to ask same question to USA and UNO, why are you losing the ongoing battle to ISIL? No doubt that US has already declared an open war against IS, despite it their grip and control on major part of Syria and Iraq is becoming stronger, who is supplying sophisticated weapons to this group, the answer to these questions will reveal the secrets hidden behind the mask worn by IS, will portray the real image of this terror outfit, the truth will be unveiled to the world about this organization and how do they operate? What are their objectives and goals? The historical background of this group will be penned down very soon, as of now the leader of IS Abu Bakr Albaghdadi is one of them who has received training in Iraq, and he has no support and patronage of any Muslim organization, even Alqaaida and Taliban are against him, every day approximately 1200 Muslim are being killed, the Muslim world is receiving more loses because of them.
The eye witness claimed that attackers were chanting Allahu Akbar) we don't know whether the witness is genuine or fake, but we are sure that the objective behind slogan was to defame Islam and its followers, it was pre-planned attack to link it with Islam,
That's main reason behind the propaganda has been launched on wide scale on the name of IS linking Islam to terrorism and violence, the Saudi prince king Salman and other Muslim rulers have to condemn the Paris attack making an official statement that Islam has no link with terrorism, Indian media too put every effort to link terrorism with Islam, some channels raised questions during the debate that not a single quranic verses advocates to kill innocent people, Quran doesn't validate the beliefs and ideologies of IS people regarding barbaric act, despite this fact every terror attack has link to the certain extent with Muslim? Few days back zee news held a program on the same topic observing the need of time, the discussion was held in a comprehensive form, where the National spokesperson of BJP shree Kaant Sharma, Congress spokesperson Rajive Tayaagi, and other non-Muslim personalities were saying unanimously that terrorism has no religion, no religion can be linked to it, more interestingly and importantly there was so called Islamic scholar who was the part of the debate of the day, in the beginning of panel discussion he was informed by the anchor Robeeka liyaqat that he will be scapegoat in today's discussion, most of the questions will be asked to him, he will be held responsible on the behalf of All Muslims, however the answer he provided in the query of “does Islam allow its followers to spread terrorism” was not expected by any Muslim, I don't want to spoil my article by disclosing his name, here his answer goes " all the terror attacks till the date were carried out none other than Wahabi ideology supporters, terrorism has no space in the circle of self made Sufism in which I am confined, neither we follow Saudi Arabia nor we accept their ideologies.
In other words he was trying to say that Wahabism is the main factor behind ongoing violence, unrest and terrorism. The statement made by him is shameful and very deplorable, he should avoid such program if he doesn't know how to give appropriate and suitable answer keeping in mind the need of the hour in the queries asked by journalists, on other hand Barailwi sect too was tagged with terrorism, just to draw his attention to the fact I am bringing here few examples to clear his suspicion and shatter his illusion which I am sure will help enlighten his mind, Molana Yaaseen Akhtar Misbaahi was picked up by IB person who was released later following the high voltage protest, just after this incident anti terrorism conference was held by Iqleem Raza Misbaahi the director of Limra Foundation in which many speakers strongly stated that terrorism has no particular school of thought, those who claim that Shia sect has not been blamed yet so I request them to go through history of Hizbullah and Huthi insurgents, I have never meant to link terrorism with Barailwi and Shia sects but we altogether must ponder over the drama and propaganda being Played by world's most powerful and hypocrite group and dual face media who are leaving no stone unturned to malign Islam behind the curtain of ISIL group, Under which each one of them be it Barailwies, Deobandies, salafis, or Jamaat e Islami, Shia and Sunni all come.
The Paris attack after 9/11 is the similar conspiracy hatched and manufactured by Zionist sleeper cell to defame Islam and weaken its followers on global level.
The whole world is considering this attack as a terror act, however in my sight it is just an attack and bomb blast as the definition of terrorism still ambiguous and unclear to me, I usually don't pen down the things which are not clear and transparent to me, since the blood of innocent people were being spilt in Iraq and Afghanistan, NATO forces waged ferocious war against Muaamer Gadhaffi in Libya, and Syrian people are being shelled with bomb at every nanoseconds, Minorities were butchered on wide scale in the prosperous state Gujarat, Babri Masjid was demolished to ground, apart from these there are countless horrific and heart shattering incidents which have taken place over the passage of time in India and over the globe, similarly in Paris attack innocent people were brutally killed, they were mercilessly butchered, it was also a terror attack, however the progressive and so called bugle blower of democracy turned a deaf ears to such Barbaric incidents. A person was lynched to death by a mob of 200 people who were politically instigated just on the rumor of beef eating, the whole world asked Prime minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi to condemn and denounce strongly this terror act as it was an attack on entire humanity but P.M didn't utter even single word, remained mute, today similar attack has been carried out by monsters in Paris, the P.M of India not only condemned this terror attack but also showed high level interest and possible cooperation in order to stand United with France to uproot terrorism.
No sooner the attack happened, the media persons started blaming ISIL for the brutality, on other hand such news being broadcasted and circulated which in no time went viral on social media that ISIL has taken responsibility for serial bomb blast, meanwhile an eye witness made an statement that the attackers were chanting the slogan of Allah Akbar, international media started raising plethora of questions on Islam and its followers, does Islam advocate terrorism? Do Muslims support it? Are Muslims genuinely terrorists? Muslims only are found involved and held guilty in all the previous terror attacks till the date, from 9/11 till the date all terror attack proves it and validates this point that Islam is a religion of terrorism.
The passport of attackers located in the spot belongs to Egypt and Syria which later confirmed fake, this news also gives weightage to media and journalists to some extent that here again Muslims will be held responsible for this attack, on other hand famous American channel - CNN claims that finger prints collected from various places proves that the suicide bombers are from France itself.
Paris attack gives wake-up call to the entire world, all nations stand United to show their solidarity with France expressing their deep concern over the victims who lost their lives, Facebook has also introduced French flag - profile picture- as a gesture of unity and solidarity over the Paris attack, we have no complaints against Facebook if they don't show their solidarity with Muslim victims being Killed on unprecedented scale.
If we talk about Islamic world and Muslims, so they have to make two statement in a same time, first they condemned the Paris terrorists attack, on other hand they have to make their viewpoint crystal clear that Islam has no link with terrorism, just because ISIL has taken responsibility for this attack about whom it is considered that all of them belong to Sunni sect.
ISIL came into existence on April 2013 over the map of the world, who have turned to most dangerous and hazardous terror group within short span of time, they so far have controlled major part of Iraq and Syria, and now they have been a nightmare for the superpower United States of America. On other hand it is a bitter pill to swallow for us as in the past this was the same America who had shattered the defenses of Most powerful country in the Middle East region Iraq to the pieces, turned the Afghanistan was running smoothly into graveyard, killed Muaamer Qadhafi the arch rival to US, after all why US and it's alliances have failed uprooting ISIL?, why the war being waged against IS hasn't born any fruit yet?, while 80 countries have jointed their hands in order to check the proliferation of IS, 20 countries have taken part in the ongoing war being fought against this group, but every effort went in vein, instead of losing battle at the hands of US, Russia and their alliances They are becoming more stronger, they have brought major part of oil rich area in Iraq and Syria under their control, at this juncture lot of questions arise in our mind, why and how they are becoming stronger? What is reason behind it? Where they have brought such sophisticated and heavy weapon from? Who are supplying such heavy guns equipped with new technologies to IS? How they are able to raise their funds or some political monsters are funding them? These are the questions to be answered in order to find the concrete solution to the problem which left every peace seekers worried, without answering to these questions battle can't be won against terrorism, today those who are condemning the terror and horror attack carried out by IS, calling them an organization whose ideology goes against Islam, whose viewpoint contradicts Quranic verses, I request all of them whether they are rulers, leaders, journalists, analysts to ask same question to USA and UNO, why are you losing the ongoing battle to ISIL? No doubt that US has already declared an open war against IS, despite it their grip and control on major part of Syria and Iraq is becoming stronger, who is supplying sophisticated weapons to this group, the answer to these questions will reveal the secrets hidden behind the mask worn by IS, will portray the real image of this terror outfit, the truth will be unveiled to the world about this organization and how do they operate? What are their objectives and goals? The historical background of this group will be penned down very soon, as of now the leader of IS Abu Bakr Albaghdadi is one of them who has received training in Iraq, and he has no support and patronage of any Muslim organization, even Alqaaida and Taliban are against him, every day approximately 1200 Muslim are being killed, the Muslim world is receiving more loses because of them.
The eye witness claimed that attackers were chanting Allahu Akbar) we don't know whether the witness is genuine or fake, but we are sure that the objective behind slogan was to defame Islam and its followers, it was pre-planned attack to link it with Islam,
That's main reason behind the propaganda has been launched on wide scale on the name of IS linking Islam to terrorism and violence, the Saudi prince king Salman and other Muslim rulers have to condemn the Paris attack making an official statement that Islam has no link with terrorism, Indian media too put every effort to link terrorism with Islam, some channels raised questions during the debate that not a single quranic verses advocates to kill innocent people, Quran doesn't validate the beliefs and ideologies of IS people regarding barbaric act, despite this fact every terror attack has link to the certain extent with Muslim? Few days back zee news held a program on the same topic observing the need of time, the discussion was held in a comprehensive form, where the National spokesperson of BJP shree Kaant Sharma, Congress spokesperson Rajive Tayaagi, and other non-Muslim personalities were saying unanimously that terrorism has no religion, no religion can be linked to it, more interestingly and importantly there was so called Islamic scholar who was the part of the debate of the day, in the beginning of panel discussion he was informed by the anchor Robeeka liyaqat that he will be scapegoat in today's discussion, most of the questions will be asked to him, he will be held responsible on the behalf of All Muslims, however the answer he provided in the query of “does Islam allow its followers to spread terrorism” was not expected by any Muslim, I don't want to spoil my article by disclosing his name, here his answer goes " all the terror attacks till the date were carried out none other than Wahabi ideology supporters, terrorism has no space in the circle of self made Sufism in which I am confined, neither we follow Saudi Arabia nor we accept their ideologies.
In other words he was trying to say that Wahabism is the main factor behind ongoing violence, unrest and terrorism. The statement made by him is shameful and very deplorable, he should avoid such program if he doesn't know how to give appropriate and suitable answer keeping in mind the need of the hour in the queries asked by journalists, on other hand Barailwi sect too was tagged with terrorism, just to draw his attention to the fact I am bringing here few examples to clear his suspicion and shatter his illusion which I am sure will help enlighten his mind, Molana Yaaseen Akhtar Misbaahi was picked up by IB person who was released later following the high voltage protest, just after this incident anti terrorism conference was held by Iqleem Raza Misbaahi the director of Limra Foundation in which many speakers strongly stated that terrorism has no particular school of thought, those who claim that Shia sect has not been blamed yet so I request them to go through history of Hizbullah and Huthi insurgents, I have never meant to link terrorism with Barailwi and Shia sects but we altogether must ponder over the drama and propaganda being Played by world's most powerful and hypocrite group and dual face media who are leaving no stone unturned to malign Islam behind the curtain of ISIL group, Under which each one of them be it Barailwies, Deobandies, salafis, or Jamaat e Islami, Shia and Sunni all come.
The Paris attack after 9/11 is the similar conspiracy hatched and manufactured by Zionist sleeper cell to defame Islam and weaken its followers on global level.
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